Friday, June 23, 2006

Toward a Biblical/Kingdom Focused Worldview

I have not blogged in over a week. Couple of reasons for that. Been very busy, and haven't found anything really interesting to blog about. Well, both changed a little today, so here's what I have to offer.

If you are interested in developing a Biblical Worldview, which involves so much more than just having your doctrine right (you need to have it right, there is just more to it than that), then you need to check out these two articles by Anthony Bradley. Here they are, with intro paragraphs to wet your appetite.

Toward A Missional Worldview: Remembering the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God is a central theme in the preaching of Jesus and, by extension, the preaching and teaching of the apostles. Theological liberalism has emphasized the kingdom while leaving behind Jesus' mission and call to obedience and discipleship. Many evangelicals while having great passion for the church and mission often forsake the forest for the trees and loose full implications of the gospel into their local culture. A missional worldview orients all of one's life toward the kingdom (Matt 6:33) and ignites Jesus followers into radical living here and now.

Toward A Missional Worldview: Creation, the Imago Dei, and BMWs

Nature is good. Being human is good. Work is good. Rest is good. Culture is good. Sexuality, making babies, and having a family is really good. In fact, everything that God created is very, very good (1 Tim 4:4-5). A missional worldview implores Jesus followers to engage all of life reflecting what God intends for his world (Col 3:23) and to invite others to do the same (Acts 17, Psalm 34:1-8). Every Jesus follower is to show the world what being united with Jesus looks like. Since all of life is spiritual, a missional Church calls all people to live all of life as they ought.

Let us do both. Let us tell and show the world what it is to be a Christian.

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