Thursday, January 05, 2006

What, in hell, has God done for you?

A belated Happy New Year for those of you keeping count of the days on the calendar. And for those who want to know, my Christmas and New Year was rich with fellowship, with both my family, and my Christological family, the church. Let me take this opportunity to again thank the elders of my church, Ephesus Baptist Church, for being Gospel focused and allowing our church family to worship Christ on the holiday that bears his name. What a joy it was!

This brings to mind some things I would like to do on this blog in the upcoming year. First of all, things will probably be quiet around here soon. I begin working my seasonal second job soon and my wife and I are expecting our first child next month. So through April things may be slow. Here are some things I am interested in talking about right now, but this may definitely change by April. My family geneology (I found out some cool facts over the holdiday, cool especially for you civil war buffs), the emergent church, worship, and cultural engagment, among others.

What has God done for you? Do you really know and comprehend the richness and depth of his love? Do you know those who are grieving or who have no hope. The recent tragedy in West Virginia provides a context for this question. Phillip Ryken recently blogged on this question briefly here. I think it is a good one for us to ponder.


Robert Cole said...

Happy New Year Russ!

Jesse said...

We are certainly blessed. I've been reminded of that fact recently while reading an article on warlords in Africa and the terror people over there live with.

Best Book Buys said...


Same to you!

Glad to be back, but hope it won't be short lived. I am sure the families appreciate our prayers.


How true. I don't know if we quite realize how blessed we are.

Thanks for the comments guys!

Best Book Buys said...

Hey Chris,

Here's my thought out, reasoned, consistent response to your attempt at jest.


Happy President's Day Chris!


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