Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Good Idea

Joe Thorn over at Words of Grace Blog has a good post about improving your blog, and I think by improving he means more Christ-like. I agree with the person who made the first comment. I also have to continuously attitude check my posts and comments and have already failed. I started this blog out by wanting to keep a civil and humble tone, and that still is my goal. Gives me something to work for, to say the least.

Grace words to you,


Joe said...

At first I was hypocritically thinking about other bloggers who seem to write without much grace, but then I realized that I can be pretty graceless myself. I need to repent first.

Thanks for the link man.

Steve McCoy said...

Yes Joe, you NEED to repent. :)

It's "Thorn" w/o an "e" Russ. You have discovered a good blogger in Joe.


Best Book Buys said...


Thank you for the post.


Whoops. Fixed it. Thanks!

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