The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity exists to help individuals and organizations address the pressing bioethical challenges of our day, including managed care, end-of-life treatment, genetic intervention, euthanasia and suicide, and reproductive technologies. The Center has tax-exempt, not-for-profit status and is supported by gifts and grants from individuals, corporations, and foundations. It is a national and international leader in producing a wide range of live, recorded, and written resources examining bioethical issues. Recognizing that biblical values have exercised a profound influence on Western Culture, the Center explores the potential contribution of such values as part of its work.
In mid-1993, more than a dozen leading Christian bioethicists gathered to assess the noticeable lack of explicit Christian engagement in the crucial bioethics arena. This group sponsored a major conference in May 1994, The Christian Stake in Bioethics, and concurrently launched The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
The Center has initiated a variety of projects, and has ongoing collaborative relationships with many U.S. groups, including the Christian Medical and Dental Society, Nurses Christian Fellowship, and the Christian Legal Society, as well as non-U.S. institutions such as the Centre for Bioethics and Public Policy in London, England, the Linacre Center, London, England, the Lindeboom Institute for Medical Ethics in Ede, Holland, and the Ustav Medicinskej Etiky a Bioetiky, in Bratislava, Slovakia.
I hope you can make use of it and become more bioethically informed.
I believe our knowledge of God and His Word is *NOT* just one piece of the huge pie of information and knowledge that we accumulate throughout our lives. Instead of a piece of the pie, our faith and understanding of God's Word constitutes the actual pie tin/pan that holds the pie (our knowledge and information) together and gives it shape, support, and meaning. Does that make sense?
Worldviewingly Yours,
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