Monday, August 01, 2005

New Link - ESV Blog

Today I added a new link that I believe is informative, helpful, and interesting. It is the ESV Blog. On this blog and in the ESV Home site you can find tons of information about the English Standard Version translation of the Bible. Here is some info from the home page.

The ESV Bible is a new, essentially literal Bible translation that combines word-for-word precision and accuracy with literary excellence, beauty, and readability.

The English Standard Version (ESV) is a “word-for-word,” essentially literal translation because every word of the Bible is inspired by God.

Based on this principle, more than sixty of the world’s leading Bible scholars pored over every word and phrase to achieve the unique accuracy, excellence, and beauty of the ESV Bible.

The result is a new Bible translation (published in October 2001) that has a timeless quality and enduring relevance—a translation to trust for today and for generations to come.

With its distinctive combination of accuracy, excellence, and beauty, the ESV is ideally suited to become one Bible to meet our needs for all of life:

For personal reading and in-depth study
For preaching, teaching, and public worship
For family reading and devotions
For memorizing and understanding the Word of God
The ESV Bible is available in a wide range of editions and has been highly endorsed by Christian leaders.

This is the version I use and find it to be very accurate and readable. For you ESV users and others interested in Bible translation this should be a helpful site.

Grace & Peace,


Best Book Buys said...


You uncovered my dastardly plot!

Dr. Bob Rogers said...

Russ, I agree the ESV is an excellent translation, a much-to-be-preferred alternative to the "politically correct" NRSV, easier to read than the NASB, and more accurate than the NIV. It follows in the tradition of the KJV with familiar and traditional wording of the text. I have used the ESV at times when I once used the KJV, such as funerals and when guest preaching at churches where many have the KJV.
Have you tried the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)? It is a completely new translation, faithful to the text and readable. The main difference between the HCSB and the ESV is that the HCSB is willing to depart from traditional translations, when an accurate translation of the text could be different from the traditional one (such as "stop fighting and know that I am God" in Psalm 46 or "through the darkest valley" in Psalm 23, or translating "Christ" as "Messiah" in the New Testament).

Best Book Buys said...

Hey Bro. Bob,

I have not read much of the HCSB, but have heard that it is a good translation. Thanks for the info!

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